Buyer's Guide

Discover Your Dream Home

Finding your dream home can be a life-changing experience. The idea of a comfortable and peaceful living space, in a community that fits your lifestyle, is alluring. However, the process of transitioning from a different type of lifestyle to a property that meets your needs can be challenging. We understand this and can help you make this dream a reality. We specialize in properties that offer the amenities and lifestyle that you desire, and can guide you through the process of finding your perfect home. Let us help you experience the joy and comfort that comes with finding a place to call home. Contact us today to take the first step towards finding your dream property.

Deciding to Buy

Purchasing a property is most likely the biggest financial decision you will ever make. Whether this is your first purchase or you are an experienced buyer, this decision must be made carefully.


Why Do You Want To Buy?

Are you tired of paying rent? Have you decided to pay your own mortgage and not your landlord’s? Have you outgrown your current home? Are you looking for an investment portfolio? Are you looking for a rental property? Would you like a larger yard? Would you rather live in a different area? Do you want to shorten your commute? Having a clear sense of your reasons for buying will help you choose the right property.

Has Your Income Grown?

Property ownership is an excellent investment; whether you are looking for your dream home, a rental property, or to expand your investment portfolio. Owning real estate is one of the least risky ways to build equity or to obtain a greater return on your initial investment.


Preparing to Buy

Before you start shopping for your property, it is a good idea to make some preparations.

Build Your Green File

A green file contains all your important financial documents. You will need it to secure financing for your property. The typical green file should contain:

  • Financial statements
  • Bank accounts
  • Investments
  • Credit cards
  • Auto loans
  • Recent pay stubs
  • Tax returns for two years
  • Copies of leases for investment properties
  • Investment statements, life insurance, and mutual fund account information.

Check Your Credit Rating

Your credit score will have a huge impact on what type of property you can buy, and at what price. It is first recommended to check your credit rating with an experienced lending institution so that we can determine what you can afford. I will be happy to recommend experienced, knowledgeable mortgage brokers.

Be Careful With Your Finances

Now is not a good time to make sudden career changes or large purchases. You want to approach your property purchase from a position of financial stability.

A large white house with a lot of windows. The house has a slate roof and two attached garages.

Choose a Real Estate Agent

Buying a property requires making many important financial decisions, understanding complex issues and completing a lot of paperwork. It helps to have an expert in your corner when undertaking such a large purchase. We can guide you through this process, and also provide you with access to property listings before they hit the general market.

Homes for Sale in Kahului, HI

Here are some factors to consider when choosing your real estate professional:

  • Look for a full-time agent – one who has experience completing transactions similar to yours.
  • Interview a few agents: Are they familiar with the area in which you are interested?
  • Ask how much time the agent will have for you, and if they are available at night and on weekends.
  • Ask about their credentials and education: A good agent will continually strive to improve and gain knowledge of the latest real estate trends and hold the highest designations in their respective fields of expertise.
  • Does the agent return your calls promptly?
  • Ask for a list of properties they have sold or a list of references.
  • Choose an agent who listens attentively to your needs and concerns. Pick an agent, with whom you feel comfortable.

Time To Go Shopping

Once those preparations are out of the way, it is time to find the right property for you.

Take a Drive

Get to know the neighborhoods, complexes, or subdivisions, which interest you. Drive around and get a feel for what it would be like to own a property in the area. Start getting a sense of the properties available in those areas.


Narrow Your Search

Select a few properties that interest you the most and have your Real Estate Agent make appointments to visit them. Ask your Real Estate Agent about the potential long-term resale value of the properties you are considering.

Time to Buy

Once you have picked out the property you want to purchase, your Real Estate Agent can help you make an offer that the seller will accept. A good agent will investigate the potential costs and expenses associated with the new property. An agent can also help you draft your offer in a way that gives you the advantage over another offer.

Conditions & Appraisals

The Process, Step-by-Step

An effective agreement is a legal arrangement between a potential purchaser and the property’s seller.

Some important tips to keep in mind to streamline the process:

  • Keep written records of everything. For the sake of clarity, it will be extremely useful to transcribe all verbal agreements including counter-offers and addendums and to convert them into written agreements to be signed by both parties. We will assist you in drafting all the paperwork for your purchase and make sure that you have copies of everything.
  • Stick to the schedule. Now that you have chosen your offer, you and the seller will be given a timeline to mark every stage in the process of closing the real estate contract. Meeting the requirements on time ensures a smoother flow of negotiations so that each party involved is not in breach of their agreements. During the process we will keep you constantly updated, so you will always be prepared for the next step.

Once your offer is accepted by the seller, you will need to have a licensed property inspector inspect the property within the time frame that was agreed upon in the effective contract to purchase. You may elect to have different inspectors inspect the property, if you wish to obtain professional opinions from inspectors who specialize in a specific area (eg. roof, HVAC, septic). I can recommend several different inspectors.

Depending on the outcome of these inspections, one of two things may happen:

1. Either each milestone is successfully closed, and the contingencies will be removed, bringing you one step closer to the close, or

2. The buyer, after reviewing the property and the papers, requests a renegotiation of the terms of contract.

It is imperative that you keep in close communication with your lender, who will let you know when additional documents are needed to approve your loan application and fund your loan. If the agreement is conditional upon financing, then the property may need to be appraised by a licensed appraiser to determine the value for the lending institution, via a third party. This is done so that the lending institution can confirm their investment in your property is accurate. Appraisers are specialists in determining the value of properties, based on a combination of square footage measurements, building costs, recent sales of comparable properties, etc. When you are within two weeks of closing, double check with your lender to be sure the loan will go through smoothly and on time.

If the property that you are purchasing is a condo you will want include the condition to have the documents reviewed. After the contract has been accepted your agent will receive the condo documents for review, such as the building rules, regulations, and financial documents from the seller. These documents will be submitted to a condo document review company, where they will review all the documents and report to you regarding the financial health of the building as well as information regarding bylaws. They are also there to answer any questions you might have. I will be happy to recommend experienced, knowledgeable review companies.

If you are obtaining a loan, you will be required by your lender to purchase a certain amount of insurance on the property. The value will depend on the lending institution and the purchase price of the property. You may be able to save hundreds of dollars a year on homeowners insurance by shopping around for insurance. You can also save money with these tips.

  • Consider a higher deductible. Increasing your deductible by just a few hundred dollars can make a big difference in your premium.
  • Ask your insurance agent about discounts. You may be able get a lower premium if your home has safety features such as dead-bolt locks, smoke detectors, an alarm system, storm shutters or fire-retardant roofing materials. Persons over 55 years of age or long-term customers may also be offered discounts.
  • Insure your house NOT the land under it. After a disaster, the land is still there. If you do not subtract the value of the land when deciding how much homeowner’s insurance to buy, you will pay more than you should.

Moving In

Home Services and Utilities

Before possession you will need to signup for utilities and book an appointment to have internet installed in your new home. It’s a good idea to have your mail forwarded to your new address.

Final Walk-Through Inspection

More of a formality than anything else, the final inspection takes place a day before, or the day of the closing. You will visit the property to verify that all is in working order, everything is the same as when you last viewed the property, that there are no extra items left behind, and that everything included in your purchase is still at the property.


Be Prepared

We are ready to assist you should an unforeseen glitch pop up, even at this last stage. Something at the property breaks down, or some other minor detail – no need to worry. We have encountered these problems before so we know how to handle them efficiently and in a stress-free manor.


Once the funds have been received by the seller the keys will be released. Congratulations you are now the new owner of your new home. Your agent will arrange a meeting at your new house to provide you with keys.

Questions may still arise after the fact; I will follow up with you after possession as well as you can always contact me with any questions you may have.


Download the Buyer’s Guide

Buying a house is a significant milestone in many people's lives, and it can bring an overwhelming sense of joy and accomplishment. Owning a home provides a sense of stability and security, and it is a place where memories are made and cherished for a lifetime. The joy of buying a house is the sense of pride that comes with achieving a major goal and the excitement of making a space truly your own. The process of finding the right home and going through the buying process can be challenging, but the reward of finding the perfect place to call home is immeasurable. From decorating and personalizing the space to hosting friends and family, owning a home is a source of pride and joy for many people.

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Download the Acreage Buyer's Guide

Moving to an acreage can be a dream come true. The idea of wide-open spaces, fresh air, and peaceful living is alluring. However, the transition from a city lifestyle to an acreage can be challenging. We understand this and can help you make this dream a reality. We specialize in acreage properties and can guide you through the process of finding your perfect slice of paradise. Let us help you experience the joy and freedom that comes with living on an acreage. Contact us today to take the first step.

Please Complete the Form to Download My Acreage Guide

Work With Heather

Heather is dedicated to your success, providing a clear focus, expertise, in-depth market knowledge, and unique marketing strategies to create a personalized real estate experience. Contact her today!

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