Seller's Guide

We Know What It Takes to Make Your Home Sell

We know what makes homes sell. From pricing, to how it shows, to how its marketed. We understand that selling your home is a big decision and every-homeowner has unique goals. We take the time to listen and understand what matters most yo you. With our experience and commitment to customer satisfaction, you can trust that we’re here to guide you every step of the way.


Deciding to Sell

So you have decided to sell your property. Before anything else, it is a good idea to sit down and clarify your motivations and draw up a basic time frame for the selling process.

Why Sell?

Why do you want to sell your property? Do you intend to simply find a larger property, or do you plan on moving to another neighborhood, school district, city or providence? You might think your reasons are obvious, but it would do well to consider the implications of each option for your lifestyle, opportunities, and finances. Being clear about your intentions for selling will make it easier for us to determine the most appropriate option for your specified financial, lifestyle, and real estate goals.


When Should I Sell?

You should immediately establish your time frame for selling. If you need to sell quickly, we can speed up the process by giving you a complete market analysis and action plan to obtain all of your goals. If there is no pressing need to sell immediately, you can sit down with one of our expert Real Estate Agents to thoroughly review the current market conditions and find the most favorable time to sell.

What Is The Market Like?

When you work with us, you can be sure that you will have our knowledge, expertise and negotiating skills at work for you to arrive at the best market prices and terms. We will keep you up-to-date on what is happening in the marketplace and the price, financing, terms and conditions of competing properties. With us, you will know exactly how to price and when to sell your property.


Select an Agent & Price

Why Should You Choose Our Professionals?

You may opt to sell your property independently. There are many excellent reasons, however, why you should choose us to assist you in this important undertaking. We will ensure that you maximize your opportunities in the current real estate market.

With our extensive contact networks that we have developed through the many national and international organizations, of which we are members, as well as our current and past clients, we will employ the most effective marketing and advertising strategies for your property. We will also guide you through the complicated paperwork involved, from the initial agreement to the final documents.

What To Look For In An Agent

The following are a couple of factors to keep in mind when looking for a listing agent

The most important factor in choosing a real estate professional is their education in the real estate industry. We have advanced training and education, allowing us to be regarded among the top agents in our field.

You want a full-time agent who is familiar with your area and with the type of property you intend to sell. Does he or she employ a diverse range of marketing and advertising strategies? How tech-savvy is your agent? How many similar properties has he or she been able to sell in the past?

Your agent should be capable of prompt and decisive action during the course of selling your property. Does your agent make it a point to keep in touch with you constantly? Can your agent easily be contacted in case of emergencies or even for the simplest questions? Is your agent available on the weekends or in the evenings when most buyers are out looking?

Does your agent take the time to listen to your goals and clarify your needs? Can your agent understand your unique situation and be genuinely concerned about the outcome of the process? Your listing agent will be your guide and partner in this crucial decision, so it is important to find one with whom you can get along.

Prepare to Sell


Accepting An Offer

The Price Is Not Always Right

“The higher the price, the better the offer.” Do not let yourself be fooled by this popular misconception. Price is not always the determining factor when accepting an offer for several important reasons: the initial offer is usually not final, and there are a number of terms and conditions that may influence the final outcome of a price. You can trust our professionals to help you thoroughly evaluate every proposal without compromising your marketing position.


Negotiating The Right Way

We take the ethical responsibility of fairly negotiating contractual terms very seriously. It is our job to find a win-win agreement that is beneficial to all parties involved. You may even have to deal with multiple offers before ratifying the one you judge to be the most suitable for you – and as your agents, we will guarantee a thorough and objective assessment of each offer to help you make the right choice.

The Initial Agreement and Deposit

An effective agreement is a legal arrangement between a potential purchaser and the property’s seller. The agreement may require consideration. This consideration (initial and additional deposit) is to be held in agreed-upon brokerages trust account pending the fulfillment of the effective agreement.


Some important tips to keep in mind to streamline the process even further:

  • Keep written records of everything.
    For the sake of clarity, it will be extremely useful to transcribe all verbal agreements including counter-offers and addendums, and convert them to written agreements to be signed by both parties. We will assist you in drafting all the paperwork for your sale and make sure that you have copies of everything.
  • Stick to the schedule.
    Now that you have chosen your offer, you and the buyer will be given a timeline to mark every stage in the process of closing the real estate contract. Meeting the requirements on time ensures a smoother flow of negotiations and also ensures that each party involved is not in breach of their agreements. During the process we will keep you constantly updated so you will always be prepared for the next step.

Conditions & Appraisals

Inspections and Appraisals

Most buyers will have the property inspected by a licensed property inspector within the time frame that was agreed upon in the effective contract to purchase. Some buyers will have several different inspectors inspect the property, if they wish to obtain professional opinions from inspectors who specialize in a specific area (eg. roof, HVAC, septic). If the agreement is conditional upon financing, then the property may be appraised by a licensed appraiser to determine the value for the lending institution via third party. This is done so that the lending institution can confirm their investment in your property is accurate.



A contingency is a condition that must be met before a contract becomes legally binding. For instance, a buyer will usually include a contingency stating that their contract is binding only when there is a satisfactory home inspection report from a qualified inspector.

Closing Day

Do not forget to tie up these loose ends

More of a formality than anything else, the final inspection takes place the day before, or the day of the closing. The buyer visits the property to verify that all is in working order, everything is the same as when the buyer last viewed the property, and that there are no extra items left behind.

Before closing make sure that you have arranged the cancelation of your home services and utilities to take place the day closing occurs.

We are ready to assist you should an unforeseen glitch pop up, even at this last stage. If something at the property breaks down or the buyers’ loan does not pull through on time, there is no need to worry. We have encountered these problems before so we know how to handle them efficiently and in a stress-free manner.


Seller's Guide

It's difficult to know when the best time to sell is, or how to get the most money for your house but you don't need to go through the process alone. This guide can provide you with valuable tips and tricks on how to prepare your home for sale and attract potential buyers.

The free eGuide below will answer many of your questions and likely bring up a few things you haven't even thought about yet.

Simply fill out the form to receive your copy of the eGuide, and connect with us if you have any questions.

Please Complete the Form to Download the Seller's Guide

Work With Heather

Heather is dedicated to your success, providing a clear focus, expertise, in-depth market knowledge, and unique marketing strategies to create a personalized real estate experience. Contact her today!

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